Project Information


Project Information

  • In the century we live in, game tools and playgrounds are also affected by change and take their place in children's lives. It is known that the use of digital games has an impact on both children's development areas and academic development. One of the most important criticisms of digital games is that games are perceived as just a means of entertainment and passing time. However, researches show that this criticism has almost completely lost its validity and that digital games that attract people are now accepted as the primary learning tool. They will prepare minecraft games that are intriguing, entertaining, associated with the curriculum and have pedagogical value. Students will work together with their peers, discuss and design group games.


    By contacting the project partners, activities such as logo, poster, video, blog will be carried out to promote the project. Activities to be carried out with the project partners will be determined. Teams will be formed. Webinars will be made for communication between students and teachers. During the project process, students will be introduced to the project. A joint game will be prepared by evaluating the work done.


    1.Students become individuals who think critically and creatively by collaborating,

    2. Students preparing games in Minecraft with group work using their own imaginations.

    3. Presenting a sample twinspace and blog site.

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